The Phoebe Snow
The Phoebe Snow was more
then just the marquee train for the DL&W, she was the image of
the railroad. Even during the time that the train wasn't running,
the name and face still appeared in advertising and on box cars.

Click on promo to see full
sized image (126K)
The Phoebe snow first began
as an advertising campaign. In the early 1900s, the Lackawanna
wanted to draw attention to the fact that they burned only clean
anthracite coal on the passenger runs. So, they invented clever
jingles and promoted a model dressed all in white to advertise
Says Phoebe Snow,
About to go
Upon a trip
To Buffalo
"My gown stays
From morn 'til night
Upon the Road of
During WWII, the image was
used again. This time, new rolling stock carried the new slogan "The Route of Phoebe Snow".
In the Post WWII slip in
passenger traffic, the DL&W was looking for a way to attract
passengers. Someone came up with the clever idea of using Phoebe
Snow. And, on 11/15/1949, the Phoebe Snow made her first run from
Hoboken, NJ to Buffalo, NY, replacing the Lackawanna Limited.
A substantial investment
was made on this original train. The original power was 5 A-B-A
FP-7s. This was later replaced by A-A E-8s (The Lackawanna never
owned an E-8 B Unit).
The cars were ordered just
for this train. The order include 15 coaches, 10 Pullman coaches,
9 sleepers, 2 dinners and 2 observation cars.
The 10 Pullman cars were
numbered 316-325 and were named:
Chenango, Chohocton,
Kittatinny, Lackawanna, Pequest, Pocono, Tioughnioga,
Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock.
The real Phoebe Snow ended
in the merger between the DL&W and the Erie in 1961. The name
was later revived briefly during the E-L days, but it was not
the same train.
I'm sorry to say, that I
don't know what happened to any of the cars in this set.
The Lackawanna
Limited: 1883-1949
The Phoebe Snow: